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Denying the TRUTH doesn’t change the facts

Carnism is a dominant belief system that makes facts hidden from us to see. It creates such a belief that eating animals is normal, natural, and necessary for our bodies.

This series of books and movies will help us to be more aware of what we put on our plates and to become more responsible individuals.

Carnism is a dominant belief system that makes facts hidden from us to see. It creates such a belief that eating animals is normal, natural, and necessary for our bodies.

This series of books and movies will help us to be more aware of what we put on our plates and to become more responsible individuals.

Rebellicious - brave to be kind
Rebellicious - what

Let's take out our BLINDFOLD and find the truth

Rebellicious - books

Must Read BOOKS

Books that will enlighten and awaken us that being a vegan is healthful for our body, revealing the truth of the impact factory farming has on our economy, environment, and on animals’ welfare.

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Must Watch MOVIES

Movies that we absolutely shouldn’t look away from and that will inspire us with the knowledge to make more responsible choices and to be in control of our health.

Do you have any question? Ask me anything, I will be glad to help!