Rebellicious helps your vegan transformation EASIER !
Rebellicious is inspired by the love and respect for animals, our planet, and the will to be more responsible individuals. It is a free platform for those who are curious to go vegan, those who are wondering why being a vegan is a kind and sustainable choice, and for vegans to stay being vegan.
Let's make delicious food CRUELTY FREE
Everything starts from your plate, thus it’s where we begin. By going vegan, it means we choose to make positive and kind impacts. Rebellicious is created not because I am a vegan guru or a vegan coach, but I would like to share my own vegan journey experience to make it easier for you. You might agree or disagree, just take the best that suits you most. So, let’s discover what Rebellicious has to offer to help your vegan journey!
A Simple GUIDE on plant-based nutrition
Inspired by Dr. Collin Campbell and Dr. Greger from their books The China Study and How Not To Die, you will find a simple guide on what to put on your plate as a vegan in this section.
A Simple GUIDE on plant-based nutrition
Inspired by Dr. Collin Campbell and Dr. Greger from their books The China Study and How Not To Die, you will find a simple guide on what to put on your plate as a vegan in this section.